Neutrogena & their Poreless Propaganda

Ads I have seen my entire life, soaking into my subconscious, and weaving their way into my self-image: Neutrogena. For years, these have peeped into fashion magazines, and for years, I didn't notice the message being put forward. The problem with these ads comes from several places, all of them stemming from the central idea that the face being put forward is not able to be achieved. For starters, the face belongs to Jennifer Garner. The thought they're trying to get you to have is, "Jennifer Garner uses it, and she's got perfect skin. If I use it, I will also have perfect skin!" Here's the thing, though. Jennifer Garner is famous and rich. She has access to skincare regimens we could never dream of. The likelihood of her actually using this product is slim, but even if she were to, she likely has professional facials on a weekly basis, collagen injections, light therapy treatments, etc. to supplement it.
That being said, there's another issue. Not even Jennifer Garner looks like this. Try as you might, one can never achieve what photo editing can. This photo is the product of Photoshop, and no matter what lotions and potions you slather on your face, it will never look like this. No real human's skin looks like this. Ads like these are a ploy to get you to buy product after product, when all you will end up with is a bunch of half-used bottles, and only dreams of the skin that these companies try to tell you that you can achieve.


  1. I totally agree with this. Every time I see celebrities with perfect, photoshopped skin selling skin-care products, it just seems so unrealistic. Like you said, they probably don't even use the product because they have access to really expensive and fancy stuff. It seems like they're offering a simple solution to the consumer by implying that using this one product will make you have perfect skin, when in reality it's just another skin-care product, that will not, in fact, turn you into Jennifer Garner.


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